McCabe Centre for Law & Cancer

The Brief

Brand Strategy & Visual Identity Design

Long-time client Ellie reached out to me in mid-2018 after joining The McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer team, having worked together previously at another not-for-profit that Ellie worked at. Established in 2012, The McCabe Centre uses law as a tool to build knowledge and expertise at global, regional and domestic levels to prevent and control cancer and other non-communicable diseases.

Development of the McCabe Centre brand had been undertaken to get the organisation out to market, with minimal development undertaken since that time. The logo and associated brand style had been developed in-house within the extended Cancer Council organisation and was lacking in an incisive brand ‘language’ that could help tell the McCabe brand story effectively. Ellie was after some strategic brand building, and ultimately, a rebrand or refresh in order to bring this to fruition. And would we be interested? Ah, yes!

The Approach

Our journey to rebrand together looked like this:

  • Brand Audit

  • Brand Strategy Workshop

  • Strategic Output

  • Visual Identity Development

  • Detailed Design

  • Brand Implementation

After working with Ellie to compile a brand audit of all activity, we kicked off with an all-day, all-team workshop at the McCabe Centre offices in Melbourne, where all nine members of the core team attended. Immediately, it was established that McCabe Team are energetic, passionate and all very clever, and running the workshop was really enjoyable experience where we enjoyed wonderful discussion and input. Together, we worked through some basics to get a better understanding of the power and potential of brand, as well as engaging with some all-group exercises to discuss brand personality and values. Finishing off with a session on visual design preferences, we pulled together an arsenal of information that could be called upon in the ensuing creative development phase.

With such a solid foundation, the brand positioning, core message pillars and creative development was done and dusted collaboratively and efficiently, and the new brand quickly came to life. From there we worked together to build brand templates for communications and collateral, as well as forming a plan to overhaul their website, where the brand was officially launched in November 2019.

The Result

The team at the McCabe Centre now have a new brand which they are not only really proud of, but feels it now truly speaks to the brilliant work they do. It’s a brand that they all feel a collective ownership of, having been so closely involved in its development.


Bliss Architecture


Tina Daisley - People Partner