The Client

The Fund Executives Association Limited (FEAL) is the leading provider of professional development to not-for-profit superannuation funds. Celebrating their 20 year anniversary in 2019, they’ve been providing executives with educational opportunities, events and scholarships for over two decades. As one of Amadeus Brand’s first clients all the way back in 2013, I’ve worked with CEO Joanna and her wonderful team on a number of strategic marketing and communications initiatives over that time, including their Credentials Document last year.

The brief

Rebrand - Visual Identity, Website Design

In 2020, it was time to build a new website. Their old site — built in Wordpress — had become difficult to organise, and required constant attention. We agreed on a rebuild in Squarespace, mainly so that we could streamline the look and feel of all of the content, and have the flexibility to organise each event, program or scholarship via summary blocks.

The Approach

Given we’d rebranded back in 2014, it made sense to refresh the brand in line with the new site. To this end, a new look and feel was designed with a new logo, refreshed colour palette, typography and imagery procurement. As part of the process we also revisited their digital strategy, adding in a LinkedIn presence to drive content and updates to their members.

All together, the process looked like this:

  • Strategy workshop, to revisit FEAL’s key business objectives, and look at how the website could assist to deliver these

  • Visual Identity Design

  • User experience (UX) journey mapping

  • Website Design Prototype

  • Copywriting and messaging

  • Website Development

  • Launch Activities, including social media announcements

The result

The entire site was rebuilt in just four weeks, and the new look and feel officially unveiled at their end-of-year dinner in November. The team are thrilled with their new site and their digital manager Renee enjoying having a more user-friendly interface to work with.

Here’s a look at the work we did together:


The Co-Group


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